Revised 08/09/02
Revised 08/09/02

This is Concise Logic's Bookkeeping Services page.
Please call Kate to discuss your needs.
800-262-2617 or 406-572-3323

    Job Tracking
    Tax Forms
    State & Federal Forms

I can work at your site, at my site for less, or a combination of both.

I've been the bookkeeper and tax form preparation person for Concise Logic from its start in 1983.  I have helped many businesses organize and audit their books, especially Accounts Receivable.

I wrote the "CLBooks" checkbook, expense, and 1065/1040 tax forms program for my own business.
     I needed a program that could distinguish business and personal expenses in any individual purchase.  I wanted a program that could print on individual checks torn from my regular checkbook, and also easily record handwritten ones.  I wanted the ability to print (or skip) checks in due date order.  I needed partnership tax form numbers.  I wanted a summary list of my credit cards' terms.
     I didn't want to click-type-click-type.
     I tried quite a few of the programs available and didn't like any of 'em.
     So I wrote one for us, and I love it.  It does just what I need.

If your business books are not computerized, I will probably create a system for you in the course of doing your work.  The reports can look just like the old handwritten ones, but calculations and report production will be much faster and more reliable.
     Another advantage to books on computer is the ease of making a copy of the information to store at another site.

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HC83-Bx532 10 Jawbone Rd
Martinsdale MT 59053
Sales: 800-262-2617
Office: 406-572-3323
Usual hours: 9 to 430 Mountain Time weekdays
                Fax by appointment
                Technical Support:

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